Minutes of the Anglican Ways Committee meeting held in the lounge at St Michael and All Angels, Oxford Terrace on Thursday 17th April, 2007 at 4.30 pm.
Chair: The Reverend Bob Peck
Welcome and Opening Prayer: Bob
Present: The Rev'd Bob Peck, Jenny Daniels, The Rev'd Jill Fisher, Peter Oakley, Michael Ladd & The Rev'd John Fisher.
Apologies: Michael Ladd (lateness), Marla Hughes
Minutes of the Previous Meeting: The minutes of the previous meeting were passed with amendment, that amendment being that the words 'Dr Lynda Patterson' be changed to 'The Reverend Lynda Patterson' in section 2 under Matters Arising, Jill Fisher/Jenny Daniels. Carried
Matters Arising: Article for the Press: This was deferred and an alternative Easter message submitted which the Press did not print.
Correspondence: Nil
General Business:
1. Moved that Jenny Daniels be authorised to investigate procedures for operating the website more effectively and to take such action as is appropriate. John Fisher/Michael Ladd Carried.
2. A Constitution: Following an informal meeting held on Thursday 12th April at 10.30 am, those .
present being Bob Peck, Peter Oakley, Jill Fisher, Jenny Daniels & John Fisher an amended draft constitution presented by Peter Oakley was discussed.
Reasons given for the need for a constitution included that it was necessary to ensure incorporation, this being essential if donations were to attract tax rebates; other reasons included that without a constitution certain undertakings would be difficult , if not impossible to implement. The publication of an occasional magazine being cited as among these.
The discussion was lively and resulted in some amendments to the draft, principally the inclusion of a new clause 2(c) incorporating the original statement of the groups aims etc as printed on the card advertising Anglican Ways.
Moved that the draft constitution as amended be adopted, Peter Oakley/John Fisher
Moved that the motion be amanded by substituting the word 'received' for the word 'adopted', Jenny Daniels/Jill Fisher.
The amendment to the motion was put with the vote being tied. After further discussion it was decided to put the amendment again after which it was declared carried. The substantive motion, as amended, was then put and carried.
It was then moved that a further meeting be held urgently to give all members an opportunity to express their views on the draft constitution which was to be circulated by e-mail in advance. John Fisher/ Michael Ladd carried.
The date for that meeting was then set for Tuesday, 8th May at 11.00 am in the St John's hall at Bishopdale.
It was moved that an occasional magazine 'Anglicaqn Ways' be implemented with Peter Oakley and Jill Fisher as joint editors. Peter Oakley/ Michael Ladd carried.
Moved that Peter Oakley be thanked for the time, effort and expertise he had put into the formation of a constitution and the creation of a magazine Jill Fisher/Michael Ladd carried.
The meeting closed at 6.25 pm
Next Meeting Tuesday 8th May, 2007 at 11.00 am at St John's Parish Hall, Bishopdale.
Remember our website: Your contribution is always welcome.
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